I was sitting on my bed, going through other people's blogs when it hit me. I want to have a successful blog. No, I want to rule the world with my blog. World blogination. Okay well not rule the
whole world since that would seem to take a lot of work and lets face it, I am way too lazy for that. But maybe like a city of bloggers where everything is catered to our every desire.
So back to my original question. How does one whore out a blog? Well the first thing that came to mind is hiring an exotic dancer's backside, kind of like a billboard but instead of plastic and cardboard, it will be a strippers ass.
I also googled how much it cost to hire a stripper ass and well...The prank was on me.
HAHAHAHAHA!!* psycho eyes* pulls out hair*chews on it*
Wow- so much porn. Anyways...
Do I stand on the side of the road but instead of begging, I hold up a sign that has my blog address?
Or do I make t-shirts with M&M written on the tits and have the whole address on the back?
Maybe I should go door to door like a Jehovas' witness. Or go door to door caroling. Maybe both.
Well I am not sure which to do yet so all I have been doing is reading other people's blogs and following the ones I love and leaving a comment or two (Maybe in the vain hope they will come to M&M and love my blog too or something *cough*)
But in all seriousness, there is some major talent out there and I just want to express my awe and thanks in having these people either comment positively on one or two of my posts or actually follow me
*Happy Dance*
To properly express my gratitude:
I really want to see what they blanked out... |
And in other unrelated news...
I passed my Drivers!!!! Whoop whoop! Finally!
And my dog is still an idiot...but those are stories for another day.