Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Sad Panda Nerd

Sad Panda

I am sort of sick... again...It started with a sore throat and steadily got worse but I'm not sick sick, like I wish I were dead instead of in this agony that my dripping, sore nose is putting me through. But I am sick enough that I have to stay in bed otherwise I get dizzy and nauseous which is not good for my already uncoordinated self.
I have walked into my door frame three times.

It is time to write a semi-angry letter.

Dear white blood cells

Although I appreciate your hard work in fighting off germs and bacteria,
can you please hurry the fuck up and make me healthy again...

Lots of love



Call me a nerd- But I think that is freaking EPIC! A white blood cell chasing bacteria and absorbing it?
 Fucking A!
Onto the subject of nerds...
Get it? *Snort*

Although I call myself a nerd regularly, I'm not really... Sure, I read a lot, play lots of video games and spend most of my day laughing at memes but I just don't have the brain for it...To put it in a nutshell...I'm not smart enough to be a nerd. Which is kind of depressing but it's okay, I've got Google.

*Jaws Theme*

I don't why I find this so funny

This happens every time I see a baby animal.

Which is kind of a problem since Tash and I started volunteering at a SPCA. We have a blast but...We might have started getting attached already...since we have named all 30 cats but that is another story...

Fare thee well, bitches...

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahaha aaaah these pictures just made my day!
    I've been meaning to volunteer at the SPCA for ages! But I know that I really will try to take half of the animals home with me!

    I hope you get better soon!!!
